Sunday, January 15, 2017

Ginkakuji (銀閣寺)

Ginkakuji is a pavilion in Jisho-ji, one of the Zen temple. In 1482, Yoshimasa Ashikaga built in from the idea of Kinkakuji which was built by his grandfather, Yoshimitsu Ashikaga. Many people believe that Ginkakuji is silver colored, in contrast to Kinkakuji (Golden temple ). In fact, Kinkakuji means Kin which is Gold in English. However, the Ginkakuji is not silver as the name suggest Gin which is silver in English.

Therefore, some people are disappointed with it. Yet, in my opinion, Ginkakuji has good points.  I like this temple
particularly with the snow covers the roof. Although it was snowing heavliy  when I went there, I hope you feel this good atmosphere.